and we continue

Conceived, created and composed by Casper Leerink

Text by Meagan Woods



 and we continue is an interactive, online performance that tells the story of water. Throughout this performance, audience members participates in the chaotic journey from a single water particle that starts interacting with others, towards a system encompassing every participant’s input. The story is told from the perspective of water, shifting timescales expose the unnatural pace in which water systems change as a result of human input.

 Excerpts from the text:

You are also compressed and we freeze together.

You also fear heights and we cling together.

You also fall up and we float together.

You also ascend and we sublime together. 

You also drop and we downfall together.

You also tumble and we cascade together. 

You also wait and we linger together. 

You also sink deep and we deepen together.

You are also hidden and so we hide together.

until we are found

tugged down

with suddenness that

somehow passes slowly

then captured

in high, harsh places

harbored for silent ages until

we crash and gush and bruise

salting wounds

then spread across dizzying depths to

bathe and wait 

for that familiar tug

this time drawn up 

away from thirsty lives 

lived below

we remember this place

this time

but less surely

less and less surely.

Our time chilled feels shorter, further from you.

Our time hotter feels longer, nearer to you.

Our time feels thrown, tousled by you. 






I can’t keep track

Keep up

Follow down

It’s weird

We’re, You and I 

Everything is churning and I’m not sure how

We hold until

We’re together and then

There’s this thing going on that I can see a corner of but not the

Whole springs dry up

and coastlines crumble

and permafrosts shrink

and oceans widen

and we negotiate

and we invent

and we continue


Moving Matter


New Societies